Jumpers Over Ninety Society (JONS)
Being over 90 years old and having made at least one parachute jump (tandem, static line, accelerated free fall, or freefall) qualifies you to join JONS.
JONS is the most recently formed group within POPS. Formed in March of 2014, when Tom Morrison turned 90, JONS has only four members as of April 2016.
JONS has an administrator who handles the paperwork and keeps the membership records. Currently administration is provided by Cheryl Whitford who is also the USA POPS web master. Cheryl Whitford who can be contacted via the USA contact form.
Tom Morrison served as Top Jon #1. Tom had a long history with the POPS organization. He was a member of POPS, SOS, JOS, JOES, and JONS. He served as Top POP #6 and Top JOE #2. In Alicia Moorehead's photo below, JONS Administrator, Cheryl Whitford and Pat Moorehead, TOP SOS, present the JONS certificate to TOP JON #1 Tom Morrison (center) . Tom's daughter Suzanne hosted a surprise birthday party attended by family, neighbors, and POPS friends from around the USA.